Never having been pregnant this is a film going into it I knew I wouldn't be able to relate as well as others may, therefore maybe missing some jokes or expecting it to be slightly less funny to me than to someone who had experienced that. I must admit this film surprised me!
Its very clear from the title and cover of this movie what your getting its a comedy movie based around pregnancy and all different peoples experiences from both a female and male point of view. Its also another one of those movies with a whole big cast of celebrity in all with separate stories that all slightly inter-cross similar to 'Love Actually' and 'Valentines Day' Etc.
Its very clear from the title and cover of this movie what your getting its a comedy movie based around pregnancy and all different peoples experiences from both a female and male point of view. Its also another one of those movies with a whole big cast of celebrity in all with separate stories that all slightly inter-cross similar to 'Love Actually' and 'Valentines Day' Etc.
Sometimes with an overload of characters the stories can get lost or confused however this movie managed to control that area very well you knew what was going on with each character and didn't have any moments of 'Wait whats happening with this one again?' Each character also had great comedy and none felt unnecessary, my favourite character though by far would be Elizabeth Bank's role Wendy. Her and her husband had been trying for a child for years while in the meantime still wishing and waiting she ran a baby shop and was so desperate to get pregnant and have a child however in a very comedic way pregnancy wasn't all quite what she expected. The Dads in the movie were also very funny with their little Saturday walking group, most of the laughs I had from the movie were during these times and I think any Father going through the phase of having young children would also find this amusing, making it a perfect comedy/chick flick a wife and husband can both enjoy together!
Overall I think this movie will appeal to both young and old audiences of all genders. Experienced a pregnancy or not your going to get a few laughs from this movie and also some heartfelt moments. In terms of rewatchablity this is an easy one to watch on a girls night or a rainy evening and not get sick of quickly!
Rating 6/10
Overall I think this movie will appeal to both young and old audiences of all genders. Experienced a pregnancy or not your going to get a few laughs from this movie and also some heartfelt moments. In terms of rewatchablity this is an easy one to watch on a girls night or a rainy evening and not get sick of quickly!
Rating 6/10