Wednesday 12 June 2013

SKINS 2013!

So, Skins returns for 2013 but this time with a twist. After series 5 & 6 of skins not doing as well as the rest I think they thought it was time for a change, or maybe even time for the series to come to an end.

The first series of Skins began in January 2007, It was different, strange and outrangouse. It caused a bit of uproar with all its sex and drugs but mostly audiences loved it. Being only 13 at the time of its first release, I maybe didn't enjoy and understand it to the levels that I would now but nevertheless still fell in love with the show and all its characters.

Once series 2 was announced I was hooked, so excited to be able to watch it on the TV the day it comes out instead of having to sneakily watch it online behind my mums back weeks behind. Series 2 did not disappoint however it wasn't quite on par with the first, it was still the same characters we knew and loved so we carried on watching & enjoying it just the same. As series 2 was drawing to a close it was unsure what would then happen, how the next series would follow? Would be another series? Was this the end? 

Series 2 didn't really seem to conclude itself, it left a lot of loose ends that left us hanging. Then finally ending it all with a close up shot of Effy, leaving us clues of what was to come. Rumors and speculations began until along popped series 3, with Effy (a younger sister from one of the main characters from the first series') as one of the main characters and a new group of teenagers. I think at first people were unsure how to feel about this new change of cast, but it was nice to still have the familiarity of Effy.

I was so in love with the original cast I took it as quite a shock and wasn't to sure that I would like this whole new change around, but I went into it with my mind open and within the first few episodes I was hooked all over again.

Series 4 became one of my favourite series of skins and I started to love this cast even more than the first, but of course as your just really getting into it and getting used to them, this cast also has to move away. Their two years was up and it was time to start with the new again. With the success of this change around from the first time I wasn't to worried, yes I was sad to see them go but I had hope for the new series and new characters.

Well, I just could not get into series 5 at all. I stuck with it the whole way through but never felt that connection with the characters and their story lines and once that has gone it just isn't the same. The second series with these new characters came and I will admit it was better than series 5, series 6 had more interesting storylines, much more going on to hold your attention and it was more enjoyable but still it wasn't a patch on the first 4 Series'.

After series 5 & 6 not being as successful I think it would have been a bad move to again change the characters and have new ones arrive doing their first years of sixth form again, there is only so much you can do with that and only so far you can go. After 6 years as sad as it was I think the time was up.

A long await began to see what might happen next, would they make another series? Rumors of a movie began, old casts returning to make one big skins movie? Then there was the announcement of series 7! At first very little was said, all we knew is that Cassie, Cook & Effy would each have an episode and they would be returning. Great exciting news and here are the characters everybody wants to see and heres a chance to tie up loose ends of the end of series 2 and 4, Did Cassie find Sid in new york? Did everybody find out what happened to Freddie? Hopefully all these unanswered questions can now be answered as the characters return.

Series 7 of skins won't be like the other series' we have seen, it consists of 3 one hour episodes each based mainly around one character and where they are now. The first episode will be 'Fire' based around Effy but will also include characters Emily & Naomi from series 3&4.

I have great high expectations for the series and I don't think it will disappoint. A brilliant way to end a brilliant series. Now all we can do is wait and see......

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