Saturday 12 July 2014

It's been a while..


Anybody here it's been a while since posting here on the blog, I have had a few thoughts to changes I want to make here and hope you will enjoy the improvements and hopefully more future content!

Even though this is called 'FKVlogs Movie Reviews' (Maybe I can change the title here but who knows I haven't been able to figure that out yet, still finding the ropes here) I thought I may try and take on a different approach as I already do so many movie talking and reviews over on the youtube channel why not have this just as a blog for daily life but incorporate movies into it. (as they also are a big part of my life)

We'll give it a go anyways, 12th of July 2014 lets begin!

Wednesday 9 April 2014

What To Expect When You're Expecting [2012]

Never having been pregnant this is a film going into it I knew I wouldn't be able to relate as well as others may, therefore maybe missing some jokes or expecting it to be slightly less funny to me than to someone who had experienced that. I must admit this film surprised me!

Its very clear from the title and cover of this movie what your getting its a comedy movie based around pregnancy and all different peoples experiences from both a female and male point of view. Its also another one of those movies with a whole big cast of celebrity in all with separate stories that all slightly inter-cross similar to 'Love Actually' and 'Valentines Day' Etc. 

 Sometimes with an overload of characters the stories can get lost or confused however this movie managed to control that area very well you knew what was going on with each character and didn't have any moments of 'Wait whats happening with this one again?' Each character also had great comedy and none felt unnecessary, my favourite character though by far would be Elizabeth Bank's role Wendy. Her and her husband had been trying for a child for years while in the meantime still wishing and waiting she ran a baby shop and was so desperate to get pregnant and have a child however in a very comedic way pregnancy wasn't all quite what she expected. The Dads in the movie were also very funny with their little Saturday walking group, most of the laughs I had from the movie were during these times and I think any Father going through the phase of having young children would also find this amusing, making it a perfect comedy/chick flick a wife and husband can both enjoy together!

Overall I think this movie will appeal to both young and old audiences of all genders. Experienced a pregnancy or not your going to get a few laughs from this movie and also some heartfelt moments. In terms of rewatchablity this is an easy one to watch on a girls night or a rainy evening and not get sick of quickly!

Rating 6/10

Tuesday 8 April 2014

The Day After Tomorrow [2004]


We've all seen some kind of disaster movie before and this one is mostly just another disaster movie with more of the same, however this one being slightly better than others around its time. 

The day after tomorrow shows us what will happen to the earth if we hit another ice age and temperature drops due to global warming problems and such, the movie begins looking into these problems as a problem for the future until suddenly things begin to change and what they predicated starts coming into effect. I personally always quite enjoy movies with Dennis Quad who here is our lead man so for me he was an instant likeable character, Jack Hall (Dennis Quad) is a paleoclimatologist who first discovered the statistics on what is due to happen across the world, Trying to convince the vice president that they must act on these reports now before it all gets out of hand. The Vice President being a very arrogant man he disagrees and lets everybody stay put until its to late and the disasters begin to hit the north side of America and other parts around the world. 

Not only does Jack Hall play a big part being the scientist in the movie but the second lead role Jake Gyllenhaal plays his son Sam who is now trapped in New York where the storm has hit bad. The story continues as Jack must venture through the storm to reach his son.

Something I liked about this disaster movie which others sometimes seem to forget is it has a bit of logic including things that we could consider some what realistic as we often hear about warning of global warming and such so its not too off the wall that we can't imagine it. It also included quite a lot of great shots for example one of my favourite scenes earlier on in the movie where many tornado's begin in LA and some other later scenes of New York in the freeze. 

Overall it was an enjoyable time that didn't need much concentration you can just turn off and enjoy the movie for what it is then you'll have a good time watching. In terms of rewatchablity I feel you could watch this a few times over without getting bored of it, making it worth a purchase if you can find it for a good price.

Rating 6/10 

Sunday 29 September 2013

Misery (1991)


Another Stephen King based movie, with the last Stephen King movie I watched being The Shining I knew before watching this that I was not in for something quite as great, not that they should be compared I just watched them within a short space of time and I wanted this Stephen King story to be just as great.

The storyline is great but I did feel it was slightly slow in some parts. The plot revolves around a famous author who wrote many novels based on a woman called Misery he finishes up the last book in the series but ends the book by killing Misery. With that series over he is excited to write and try something new he goes out to the cabin off in the mountains where he always writes his books and completes his new novel, on departure from the hotel he didn't know that a storm was coming driving home in the storm he skids of the road, crashes and is then found by Annie Wilkes (Played by Kathy Bates)

Once coming back around Paul finds himself in a house with two broken legs and confusion of how he got there. Annie Wilkes who claims to be his biggest fan has been taking care of him, you can tell straight away that she seems rather odd and strange but he is thankful for her saving him from the car wreck and getting him safe. Not long after him being in her care the final Misery book is released in stores so she picks it up straight away, once she finds out that Misery is dead and there will be no more books the film really takes a turn. So angry with Paul for writing in Misery's death she begins to punish him and keep him hostage against his will, this is where the suspense really begins there really are some moments when you find yourself on the edge of your seat just shouting at the TV. 

The beginning half of the movie was okay but slow but once the change of feel in the movie happened it really did become one great exciting ride some moments even hard to watch. Really great thriller and would highly recommend if you enjoy suspense movies with a bit of twist.

4 out of 5 stars

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Whats your number? (2012)


So when I first heard about the basic premise for this movie I really wasn't sure if I wanted to see it or not, a girl who decides the number of guys she has slept with is too high so she wants to go back through them all to see if any of them are the one... it really doesn't sound that great but I guess you really shouldn't judge a book by its cover as I highly enjoyed this movie and know I will be watching it many more times in the future. 

Anna Faris plays Ally who reads an article called 'Whats your number?' stating that if you have slept with over 20 men you are less likely to find a husband with the realization of this hitting her more as she is currently help arrange her sisters wedding she decides she must go back through all the old boyfriends and one of them must be her husband.

Chris Evans comes into the movie when Ally realizes she needs the help of her neighbor to track down all these ex's, find out where they are and what they're doing but of course their relationship starts to become a bit more than a neighbor helping out another neighbor. I think its Chris Evans that really makes the movie better with his sweet charming wit you just can't help but love him in this movie. 

This is one girly movie rom-com that you don't want to miss out on it also leaves you with that great feel good feeling once you have finished watching. I should have payed more attention when it said from the studio who made 'Devil wears Prada' and '27 dresses' and watched it when it came out. Overall would recommend to all who enjoy fun time romantic movies I know I'll be watching this more than once.

4 out of 5 stars

Firehouse Dog (2007)


Okay so I know what your thinking straight away this movie looks like something you wouldn't want to watch unless you are under the age of 10...However, its not all that bad!

Josh hutcherson is in this movie which might now be a main appeal for this film with him now becoming rather famous with the likes of the hunger games, he plays a young boy who's dad is a fireman he doesnt see him an awful lot with having to work night shifts and go on call so Shane (Josh ) has to spend a lot of time by his-self. A great positive about the movie the dog doesn't talk, I don't totally hate movies where the dog talks but i defiantly prefer it when they don't.

 Dewey the dog was a Hollywood actor dog who by some mistake got away and everybody now thinks is dead but Shane's dad rescues him from a fire and then its up to them to look after him while they find the rightful owner. Shane and Dewey really don't get along and honestly I think Shane is a little bit too horrible to the dog for a family film it certainly made the beginning half of the movie less enjoyable, the dog was always trying to help him and he was always treating the dog in a mean way it wasn't very nice to watch but once they got over that and started getting along the film was enjoyable. 

Dewey starts helping out at the fire station and they realizes he would be a great firehouse dog and then the story continues and unravels from there, its by far not the best family dog movie out there but its not the worst either if you have kids who enjoy films about dogs this one is worth a watch.

3 out of 5 stars

This Means War (2012)


The way the posters and advertisements display this movie is very different from what the actual movie is, Looking at this poster you would think Reese Witherspoon would be playing a very different type of character than she plays in this movie. When I saw the posters and adverts for this movie it was something that just wasn't interesting me but once I finally sat down and watched it I found I really enjoyed it and had forgot how great Reese Witherspoon is. 

The two male leads work together in the FBI (or something similar) and are always a partnered team but they both end up meeting and falling for the same girl, its a test between their friendship and who will win the girl. It does all sound rather cheesy but most chick flick movies are and this certainly is more of a chick flick than the poster gives away. I loved the character Reese Witherspoon played she was down to earth and sweet but just wanted to meet to right guy she'd never dated two guys at once before so it lead to some funny situations. The movie does contain a fair bit of action so I think if you were to watch with the boyfriend/husband it wouldn't be such a bad time for them I think this is a chick flick that might be able to enjoy more than others. 

Overall I had a good time watching this movie and I would probably give it another go and watch it again one day! Recommended to anyone who loves a laugh and a lighthearted girly movie.

3 out of 5 stars