So when I first heard about the basic premise for this movie I really wasn't sure if I wanted to see it or not, a girl who decides the number of guys she has slept with is too high so she wants to go back through them all to see if any of them are the one... it really doesn't sound that great but I guess you really shouldn't judge a book by its cover as I highly enjoyed this movie and know I will be watching it many more times in the future.
Anna Faris plays Ally who reads an article called 'Whats your number?' stating that if you have slept with over 20 men you are less likely to find a husband with the realization of this hitting her more as she is currently help arrange her sisters wedding she decides she must go back through all the old boyfriends and one of them must be her husband.
Chris Evans comes into the movie when Ally realizes she needs the help of her neighbor to track down all these ex's, find out where they are and what they're doing but of course their relationship starts to become a bit more than a neighbor helping out another neighbor. I think its Chris Evans that really makes the movie better with his sweet charming wit you just can't help but love him in this movie.
This is one girly movie rom-com that you don't want to miss out on it also leaves you with that great feel good feeling once you have finished watching. I should have payed more attention when it said from the studio who made 'Devil wears Prada' and '27 dresses' and watched it when it came out. Overall would recommend to all who enjoy fun time romantic movies I know I'll be watching this more than once.
4 out of 5 stars
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