Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Firehouse Dog (2007)


Okay so I know what your thinking straight away this movie looks like something you wouldn't want to watch unless you are under the age of 10...However, its not all that bad!

Josh hutcherson is in this movie which might now be a main appeal for this film with him now becoming rather famous with the likes of the hunger games, he plays a young boy who's dad is a fireman he doesnt see him an awful lot with having to work night shifts and go on call so Shane (Josh ) has to spend a lot of time by his-self. A great positive about the movie the dog doesn't talk, I don't totally hate movies where the dog talks but i defiantly prefer it when they don't.

 Dewey the dog was a Hollywood actor dog who by some mistake got away and everybody now thinks is dead but Shane's dad rescues him from a fire and then its up to them to look after him while they find the rightful owner. Shane and Dewey really don't get along and honestly I think Shane is a little bit too horrible to the dog for a family film it certainly made the beginning half of the movie less enjoyable, the dog was always trying to help him and he was always treating the dog in a mean way it wasn't very nice to watch but once they got over that and started getting along the film was enjoyable. 

Dewey starts helping out at the fire station and they realizes he would be a great firehouse dog and then the story continues and unravels from there, its by far not the best family dog movie out there but its not the worst either if you have kids who enjoy films about dogs this one is worth a watch.

3 out of 5 stars

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